Cut a circle of black felt with 6.5 cm in diameter and the other with 3.5 cm in diameter. Cut a circle of red felt with 4cm in diameter. |
With the greater black felt circle make a yo-yo sewing all around pulling the line to form the yo-yo. |
Then put a little filling inside and finish the bottom of the yo-yo. |
Take the red circle, fold it in half. |
Cut and join it with a bit of a slope to form the wing of the ladybird. |
With line of embroidery backstitch all around the ladybird. |
Like this. |
Now sew the wings on the black felt yo-yo. |
After sewing the wings of the ladybird, make the other black felt yo-yo, sewing, putting the filling and finishing the yo-yo. |
Sew the black felt yo-yo on top of the wing sewn on the greater black yo-yo. |
To finish the bottom of the ladybird, cut a circle the size of the hole and sew all around. |
The ladybird will be like this. |
For the antenna of the ladybird cut a piece of line embroidery and paste white glue and let it dry or black nylon cord or line of surgery that is the best. Make a knot at the tip of the antenna. |
With pen or ink for fabric or ink for crafts, make some black balls on the wings of the ladybird. |
For the eyes use line of embroidery or ink. The ladybug will be like this. |
Now just use your creativity if you want to decorate the ladybird a little more. |
16 julho 2009
Joaninha de fuxico e feltro | ladybird of yo-yo and felt
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Cassiene Rocha
ResponderExcluirMaria Elza adorei a joaninha. Foi a primeira vez que fiz uma peça em fuxico. Ficou muito bonita. Tirei uma foto caso você queira ver.
eu fiz com o seu passo a passo e ficaram lindas, já vendi. bj e obrigada pela dica!
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