The first thing to be done in painting is the choice of the theme, which is this landscape. |
Note the two images. The first thing to do is to look for where the sun is. The sun is the light of the framework. That will give the clear and dark. |
O que você precisa observar: o céu, , , |
What you need to observ: the sky,,, |
... the mountains at the background... the vegetation of the house ... |
... The bush growing... the fences of the house ... |
... the house itself... the design, its roof, details of the house ... |
... windows, doors ... |
Depois de observar bastante, pegue a imagem xerocada e contorne o desenho com um lápis, sem se preocupar com os detalhes. |
After observing a lot, take the photocopied image and outline the design with a pencil, without worrying about the details. |
Pay attention on how you drew the lines. Some sloping lines, other straight lines. This observation is important in the time of the brushstrokes. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou perguntas da postagem de hoje não esqueça de comentar. Para ver mais postagens sobre este tema clique aqui |
17 agosto 2009
Aprendendo a pintar - figurativo 1 | Learning to paint - figurative 1
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