A pintura abstrata não procura retratar objetos ou paisagens, pois está inserida em uma realidade própria.
A abstração pode ser, porém, construída, manifestando-se em uma realidade concreta porém artificial. Esta foi a abordagem dos construtivistas e de movimentos similares. Já os expressionistas abstratos, como Jackson Pollock, não construíam a realidade, mas encontravam-na ao acaso. Este tipo de pintura abstrata resulta diametralmente oposta à primeira: enquanto aquela busca uma certa racionalidade e expressa apenas as relações estéticas do quadro, esta é normalmente caótica e expressa o instinto e sensações do artista quando da pintura da obra.
(texto tirado da Wikipédia)
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From the researches of Paul Cézanne, the artists began to realize that it was possible to deal with realities that aren’t necessarily the external ones, talking with characteristics of the elements that are proper of painting such as color, light and design. With the deepening of research, Wassily Kandinsky came to the total abstraction in 1917.
The abstract painting does not try to depict objects or landscapes, because it is embedded in its own reality.
The abstraction may be, however, constructed, manifesting itself in a concrete reality but artificial. This was the approach of constructivists and similar movements. But the abstract expressionists, like Jackson Pollock, do not built to reality, but found it to chance. This type of abstract painting results diametrically opposite to the first: while the first one seeks a kind of rationality and expresses only the aesthetic relations of the picture, this is usually chaotic and expresses the artist's feelings and instinct when painting the work.
(text taken from Wikipedia)
(Translation by Google)