•No século XX a fabricação evolui com os filamentos sintéticos, na exploração de novos formatos nas pontas dos pincéis e tantos outros acessórios artísticos. Essa evolução foi paralela à da tinta à base de água.
•Hoje com uma maior variedade de formas, os pincéis ampliam os recursos na pintura em todo tipo de técnica. O formato define o traço e a pincelada buscada pelo artista. A composição da ponta (pelos, cerdas ou filamentos sintéticos) define o uso do tipo de tinta na superfície a ser pintada.
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• In the impressionism the brush became a tool of great importance. Some artists built their own brushes with appropriate forms to their brushstrokes. Each new form of brush was identified with the name of the artist who created it.
• In the twentieth century the production moves to the synthetic filament, in the exploration of new formats at the tips of the brushes and many other art accessories. This development was parallel to the water-based ink.
• Now with a wider variety of shapes, the brushes extend the resources of painting in all kinds of technique. The format defines the touch line and the brushstroke desired by the artist. The composition of the end (hair, bristle or synthetic filament) defines the use of the type of ink on the surface to be painted.
(Translation by Google)
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