O artesão mais famoso do Brasil, em se tratando de escultura, é Vitalino Pereira dos Santos, que nasceu no dia 10 de julho de 1909. |
The most famous artisan in Brazil, in the case of sculpture, is Vitalino Pereira dos Santos, who was born on July 10, 1909. |
Mestre Vitaliano was a artisan known for his portrayal in clay dolls the culture and folklore of the northeastern people. |
The social organization of the Brazilian hinterland appears in his work through the representation of the family solidarity: Farmer returning from fields with his family, Retirantes. |
He learned to play the fife (a kind of flute without keys and with 7 holes) and with only 15 years old formed his own band, the Zabumba Vitalino. |
made urban scenes, as the dentist, the photographer, the steam train, the operation, the lawyer, the dressmaker.... |
The material he used for his works was the black clay, which he removed from the ebb tide of the river Ipojuca and carried home in baskets. The clay was wet and left in storage for two days to be toughen, and then kneaded and shaped. The pieces were fired in circular oven, built outdoors, behind the house. |
The success of Mestre Vitalino as "sculptor" ran the world and his work can be contemplated in the Louvre in Paris, France. |
Northeastern, illiterate devotee of Padre Cicero, the father of six living children, filled with conversational wit, adept of cachaça and playing cards with friends. |
The artist was adopted by the elites and, since then, is headlines in the national press and became a tourist attraction at the fair in Caruaru. |
He died poor and forgotten, a victim of smallpox, on 20 January 1963. |
He left followers (mostly his children) that make facsimile of his works. |
For the next post... prepare... a bar of soap, a small knife, paper, pencil, scissors. |
gostei muito das esculturas do mestre vitalino