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11 março 2009

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Para iniciarmos o porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado, você vai precisar de tecidos, tesoura, linha, agulha, enchimento e uma argola que pode ser de madeira, de plástico ou qualquer outra coisa que você tenha em casa.

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To begin the napkin ring padded yo-yo, you will need tissues, scissors, line, needle, filling material and a ring that may be of wood, plastic or anything else you have at home.

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(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Para iniciar o porta guardanapo é necessário fazer vários círculos de tamanhos distintos.
Um dos círculos deverá ter 6cm de diâmetro e outro de 9 cm de diâmetro.

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Para a primeira parte do fuxico:
a) corte 5 círculos de 6cm de diâmetro com um tecido florido.
b) corte 7 círculos de 6cm de diâmetro de um tecido liso.

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To start the napkin ring padded yo-yo it is necessary several circles of different sizes.
One of the circles should be 6cm in diameter and another 9 cm in diameter.
For the first part of the yo-yo:
a) cut 5 circles of 6cm diameter with a flowery fabric.
b) cut 7 circles of 6 cm diameter of a one color fabric.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Pegue o tecido florido do lado do avesso.
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Take the flowery fabric on the back side.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Dobre-o ao meio.
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Fold it in half.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Pespontar até o meio do semicírculo.
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Stitch up the middle of the semicircle

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Colocar o enchimento.
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Place the filling material.

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Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Continuar a costura até fechar o semicírculo.
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Continue sewing until you close the semicircle.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Puxar a linha para franzir e dar um nó.
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Pull the line to pucker and make a knot.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Faça a mesma coisa com os outros círculos, unindo-os uns aos outros.
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Do the same with the other circles, linking them to each other.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Para finalizar costure as pétalas da flor formando um círculo.



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To finish sew the petals of the flower forming a circle.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

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A flor ficará assim.

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The flower will be like this.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Faça o miolo da flor como foi ensinado no fuxico em ziguezague.
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Make the kernel of the flower as taught in zigzag yo-yo.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Agora vamos unir o botão e a flor.

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Now we are going to join the kernel and the flower.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Encaixe o miolo da flor e costure a volta.



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Costure do lado direito da flor que é mais fácil.

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Plug in the heart of the flower and seams around.
Sewing by the right side of the flower is easier.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

A flor ficará assim.


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Frente e verso da flor.

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The flower will be like this.
Front and back of the flower.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Segunda parte da flor:

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Corte 5 círculos de 6 cm de diâmetro na cor lisa.
Faça 5 folhinhas separadas.

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Second part of the flower: Cut 5 circles of 6 cm in diameter in one color fabric.
Make 5 small separated leaves.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

Ficará com 1 flor e 5 pétalas.

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You will have 1 flower and 5 petals.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

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Prenda com um alfinete a folha no meio da pétala da flor.

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Pin the leaf in the middle of the flower petal.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

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Ficará assim.
Entre uma pétala e a outra.

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It will be like this. Between a petal and the other.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

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Costure as folhas até finalizar.

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Sewing the leaves up to the end.

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

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Veja como fica a flor com as folhinhas.....

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Look at the flower and the leaves....

(Translation by Google)

Porta guardanapo de fuxico almofadado - napkin ring padded yo-yo

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Lado do avesso da flor.

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Reverse side of the flower.

(Translation by Google)