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13 março 2009

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

Essa joaninha é bem simples de fazer. Com um fuxico simples e laçadas ficará pronta rapidinho.
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This ladybird is very simple to do. With a simple yo-yo and loops it will be ready quickly.
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(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Para fazer a joaninha é necessário um tecido vermelho com bolinhas pretas (poá) ou um tecido vermelho.
Agulha, linha, círculos de vários tamanhos, enchimento, caneta preta de pintar em tecido e linha de fazer croché.
O círculo vai variar dependendo do tamanho que você deseja fazer a joaninha.
No exemplo a seguir o círculo tem 6cm de diâmetro.

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To make the ladybird it is necessary a red fabric with black polka dots or a red fabric.
Needle, lines, circles of various sizes, filling material, black pen to paint on fabric and line of crochet.
The circle will vary depending on the size you want the ladybird.
In the example below the circle is 6cm in diameter.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Corte um círculo no tecido de poá vermelho e preto ou no tecido vermelho.

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Cut a circle in the red and black or red fabric.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Pesponte a volta do círculo, franza e coloque o enchimento.
Se precisar de mais detalhes veja como foi feito no fuxico em ziguezague.

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Backstitch around the circle, wrinkle and place the filling material.
If you need more details see how it was done in zigzag yo-yo.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Faça o arremate dando uma laçada na linha e achate a bolinha para que fique oval.

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Make the finish with a line loop and flatten the ball to make it oval.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Para dar início a cabeça da joaninha, numa das pontas, meça 1cm e coloque a agulha por baixo (no centro), com linha de fazer crochê preta. Se quiser a linha pode ser dupla.

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To initiate the head of the ladybird, on one of the ends, measure 1 cm and place the needle below (center) with line of black crochet. If you want the line may be double.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Início da cabeça da joaninha. Observe como é colocada a agulha.

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Beginning of the head of the ladybird. Notice how the needle is placed.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Puxe a linha para trás e coloque a agulha no mesmo lugar onde se iniciou a cabeça da joaninha.

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Pull the line back and put the needle in the same place where it began the head of the ladybird.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Faça a mesma coisa do outro lado.

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Do the same thing on the other side.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Volte a linha para a frente da joaninha, pelo meio.

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Return the line to the front of the ladybird, by the center.

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Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Para a divisão da joaninha.
Passe a linha pelo meio e leve-a até o final como se fosse dar uma laçada.

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The division of the ladybird.
Pass the line through the center and take it to the end as if to make a loop.

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Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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A seguir coloque a agulha no início da laçada e pressione para ficar bem firme.

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Then place the needle at the beginning of the loop and press to be very firm

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Retorne com a agulha para o fundo da joaninha.

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Return the needle to the bottom of the ladybird.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Arremate por baixo e já está pronto o corpo da joaninha.

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Finish by behind and the body of the ladybird is ready.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Para fazer a antena da joaninha, pegue a linha preta, passe de um lado ao outro na cabeça da joaninha.

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To make the ladybird antenna, take the black line, passing from one side to another at the head of the ladybird.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Ficará assim.
Se você quiser passe cola branca na antena da joaninha que ela ficará mais firme.

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This will be like this.
If you want, use white glue on the antenna of the ladybird to make it stronger.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Agora é só pintar a cabeça da joaninha que ela estará pronta.
Se você fez no tecido vermelho, para finalizar, pinte a cabeça de preto e faça umas bolinhas no tecido.

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Now just paint the ladybird's head that it will be ready.
If you used red fabric, to finish, paint the head with black and make a few balls in the fabric.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Já pode ir para o seu jardim.

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Ready to go to your garden.

(Translation by Google)

Joaninha de fuxico – passo a passo – ladybird yo-yo – step by step

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Dá para fazer de diversas maneiras.
....gordinha....magrinha....com cabeça pintada....sem pintar a cabeça....grande....pequena....Vai do gosto.

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It can be done in various ways.
fatty… skinny … head painted … without painting the head .... great.... small .... the way you want.

(Translation by Google)